Assignment Format
Assignment Format and Templates | A-Z When thinking about how to provide instructions regarding a project or a task you need to solve, it is important to make sure the information is included in an easy format to follow and understand. Some people won’t read instructions to explanation if they understand them while others skip instructions based on the fact that they feel the instructions will do the work. There are two main approaches to giving instructions: 1. Writing them up and then recording the instruction number on the top right corner. Or 2. The one or two sentence instruction method. I will explain and show you the one method and then explain the pros and cons of each so you can use the approach best fitting the type of assignment and your work load. For writers, grammar is probably the last thing that we think about when it comes to instruction writing, even though most mistakes can be fixed with the correct spell checker. But a key factor for students of writing is how well written instructions will actually help them. For students who need to purchase written instructions, it is even more important that the instructions are clear and concise and take into account the reader’s level of literacy. To help address all of these situations, our Instructional Book Shop creates instruction written in an easy-to-read informal writing style, and each book is equipped with an Instructional Tips Sheet that gives instructions on formatting, including cover pages, instructions, illustrations, and formatting text. Whether you have written them up or just a few lines of instructions, here are the keys to writing instructions that all students can actually understand: Break the instructions down into steps to make the directions easy for students to follow. Make sure all the numbered and/or bulleted instructions correspond with the text on the pages.
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Cut/paste instructions are often easier to understand than hand written “copy + paste” instructions. Organize and Number the pages logically to help follow the instructions. Lists should be written in bulleted format or in reverse, alternating numbers and bulleted lists to keep the text logical from left to right. Include a clear understanding of the purpose of the section so the class will be more motivated to finish the work and learn from your instructions. Make sure any diagrams are clear and accurate as to how to use them, and the text captions help identify the diagram accurately by use of color and matching numbering. Add more text as needed to explain a diagram or page so the text does not make the page seem too empty, like an afterthought. Follow the examples, not just the illustrations used. All photographs show the finished exercise so they should be edited and placed accordingly. Formatting Instructions Template – Format Based on Your Choice With the shift in technology to digital processes, more and more businesses are replacing all forms of printable Assignment Format Paper Assignment Total Points 40 The aim of this assignment is to report on the use of virtual reality simulations in the context of online classrooms. Your assignment consists of 7-10 pages highlighting the use of virtual reality and describing in detail what students experienced in the different virtual reality programs used in online classrooms. You may start either with the first chapter titled “Introduction” or “Introduction to the Project.” Either way, your report must: Describe the research methodology that was used during this study. Summarize what is known about the use of virtual reality in online classrooms.
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Describe what was learned through your research. Identify the most important take-aways and future research directions. 3. If possible, give your report a narrative structure that flows and is of a high quality. Research Methods You will most likely use a qualitative research approach since virtual reality and online classrooms are relatively novel disciplines that have yet to receive a lot of mainstream investigation. For this project, you must use the qualitative approach. Your report in most likely an informal research study, so you can use any report/report writing structure that suits your style and writing needs. Your report should include: A review of the relevant literature and previous studies on the use of virtual reality and online classrooms, with special attention to reported experiences with students that are considered to be at risk for achievement among minority students. If applicable, a description of what is known about the cause of differences in student achievement in online and face -to-face classrooms. A description of your research question and the main purpose of the study. A description of you selected research participants, their characteristics, and where collected. A description of the research procedures you used. A detailed description of the research methods (i.
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e., interviews, observations, survey, etc.) in the form of first-person accounts using appropriate quotations. Support your use of techniques used in the study with citations, and provide quantitative data from a statistical analysis. A description of the qualitative techniques you used to collect the data. Note if you used a combination of qualitative and quantitative design. If appropriate, explain how the results were obtained. For example, if you conducted the interviews by telephone, provide an explanation as to why this method was used. Results and analysis of the research data, which should include a descriptive summary; your thoughts on the study data; and your analysis of the results. Quantitative results that support a hypothesis should include: the type of data that was collected, sample size, analysis go to this website and most important result. For example, even though the sample size is small, this is the first study that shows that online virtual reality learning is viable for students with reading disabilities and ADHD. Limitations and analysis of possible biases in the study. Recommendations Assignment Formatting: 1.
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Use margins and in-text margins. This allows use of justified text, which always is more attractive in print. MAY 11, 2010 C-Suite Journal Review Newsletter Summer 2010 The summer 2010 Corporate Leadership Journal review features two stories on how to stay away from litigation in the legal profession as well as tips for effective presentation in an interview. Read on to learn more about these timely articles. What’s hot and what’s not in the legal profession this summer? Read on for answers to that question and more in our Summer 2010 Review. “Now the real estate boom has finally fizzled, its demise confirmed by the housing crisis, it’s not surprising new federal regulations are being considered. Obama is calling for far more extensive new health and safety laws for developers. Unfortunately for many seniors living in or near some of the new developments, the housing bubble-era promises of a quiet, low-maintenance retirement will not be coming. Some will sell into a downturn even though they still can afford to pay for the upkeeps. Others will be forced out of real estate.” 1. Why is mortgage equity foreclosing on homeowners? The article continues, “However, if the old standby of default proves too tempting, the lender may instead be forced to accelerate the original loan schedule. At the same time, the bank may no longer feel obliged to approve subsequent requests for refinancing.
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The recent problems with national lending standards will likely increase restrictions on loans, or a ‘qualifier cap’ is likely to be imposed. “There’s a good chance a qualification cap or underwriting restrictions will come into force late this year, before the FHA’s program expires, he says.” Learn more about how the FHA’s conforming loan limit is shrinking and the effect on the housing market in this month’s Corporate Leader. The article makes the following point, “Experts propose that the value gap between what banks will pay for a loan rather than what consumers want to pay and what banks are willing to lend results from various barriers to competition. Some consumers can pay far less for a house than traditional lenders. Even a credit score under 620 suffices now for some mortgage lenders to approve the risk of lending funds to those borrowers after a loan would have failed with a higher credit score “Today, a borrower with a 620 credit score and subprime mortgage interest rates of 5 percent can get an interest-only loan with a 1.37 percent payments while a borrower approved only with a 640 credit score and 7 percent rates would pay 1.96 percent. However, in 30 years, that borrower’s mortgage payment would go down to $1.20 a month, compared with today’s $1.85, while the home owner would pay the